Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Night Riding with Music

Bicycle riding on the road with music is generally not recommended but on my night rides through Percy Warner I consider it safe since I come across very few vehicles if any on the rides. As you can see in the picture I have come up with a way to mount my iPod Shuffle on my helmet using a Mini-Maglight head strap woven through the vents. This works great and keeps all the cords out of the way and gives you easy access to the controls. The headphones are an inexpensive Sony sports model that work great since they wrap around your ear and don't come off, also they are pretty waterproof. The shuffle weights so little that you do not notice it at all. Also I have two small lights mounted on teh helmet to be able to see the bike computer and heart rate monitor. They also come in handy if you have a bike problem as they provide great work light for dealing with issues.

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